Having a summer schedule for kids will add structure to your days, keep the chaos at bay, the attitudes in check while still making memories and maintaining a joy filled home.

Summer is almost here! With summer comes lazy days, swimming, later nights and more spontaneity.
The normal structure and routine during the school year will soon be over. Our kids will be re-joining us at home with nothing but free time. (insert panic here!) What are we moms to do with all that newfound free time?
We can leave it to chance and hope for the best or we can make a plan for our summer days and enjoy the time with our kids while they are on break from school.
I’m all about having a plan, structure and routine – even during the summer. Of course I leave time for open play and imagination. But I know that lack of routine can send my kids into a complaining mind frame and then my attitude starts to dwindle and I get irritable.
To avoid all those negative attitudes I like to set up a summer schedule for kids that involves structured playtime, screen time, chores, quiet time, fun outdoor activities and free time.
Why You Should Create A Summer Schedule for Kids
The overarching theme of a summer schedule is to keep the chaos at bay, the attitudes in check and still maintain a joy filled home.
There are four main reasons why I think a summer schedule is important:
#1 To Keep Your Sanity
By setting up a plan you won’t need to constantly answer the question of “What are we doing today?” You will give your brain a rest and not be in a constant state of decision making
#2 Your House Won’t Fall Apart
You will still make time to get cleaning and chores done. Whether that will be daily or you adjust it weekly according to what extracurricular activities you have planned, your house will still maintain some semblance of order.
#3 Kids Thrive On Routine
Have you ever lived with a child who has not had adequate sleep? Multiple late nights mixed with daily activities can make for a grumpy child.
It’s OK to be more relaxed during summer, but we can still create a loose routine that will insure kids are getting enough sleep and rest time.
Kids like to know what they are doing each day and now that the school routine is over that routine needs to be replaced. Insert the new summer schedule.
#4 To Stay On Budget
We do need to think about money and keep a budget during the summer. Though I would love to go to Starbucks every morning- all those drinks and cake-pop purchases will hurt my wallet.
Having a summer plan will allow for fun excursions, but those fun activities will be planned and expected. We don’t need to go into debt entertaining our families this summer.
What To Include On A Summer Schedule for Kids
Morning Routine
Create a new morning routine for your summer.
You may have scheduled activities already in place for your summer. This will help you in deciding when and what your morning routine needs to include.
Start by establishing a wake-up time. Regardless if you have scheduled activities or not it can be helpful to establish a set wake-up time.
You get to decide when that wake-up time will be. Are you trying to keep your kids in there room until a certain time (ex: “You may come out for the day at 7am.”) or are you trying to make sure your kids get up and moving for the day (ex: “ You must get up for the day by 9 am.”) ?
The morning routine is a set list of items that need to be accomplished for your day to begin.
- Make the bed
- Brush hair
- Brush teeth
- Eat breakfast
My kindergartner wakes up each morning ready to play. Once she starts playing I have to remind her to pause and get her morning routine done.
Check out our preschool morning routine here.
Maybe you have a preteen who just wants to stay in Pj’s all day and doesn’t care to brush their teeth.
Having the morning routine can remove a battle and each family member knows what’s expected of them.
If you need help setting up a daily schedule for your kids check out this post:
Here is when you can bring out your summer bucket list and choose a fun activity for the day. These are the things that are special just for the summer time. Going to the pool for a day of swimming, taking a day trip to a local park, making homemade lemonade for an outdoor picnic.
Check out or past Summer Bucket List ideas here.
Your playtime could have a daily theme such as Move it Mondays or Water Wednesdays. Have your kids help you come up with ideas for your daily theme. Move it Monday could include walking to the park, playing basketball or doing a round of Just Dance on your gaming device.
I have some fun Theme Day suggestions in this post:
Playtime could also be a dedicated time for playing at home with your kids. They have been in school all year long and now you are excited for some quality time to spend with them. Pull out the huge Lego bucket or Barbie bin and just spend time on the floor in play with your child.
Summer is when we like to do extra activities that are outside the normal routine of our family.
But constant activity can also be draining.
Little’s can become especially irritable if they have missed several days without a nap or stayed up past bedtime.
Being outdoors and active all day can wear our kids and us out. The new summer freedoms are wonderful but we need to make sure to give our body and minds some rest time.
Toddlers, preschoolers and elementary age kids can be given a scheduled “quiet time” in their day. Have them play quietly in their room for an hour, get out a pile of books to look at, bring out some coloring to do at the kitchen table or just put on a movie.
Your little’s downtime may be their nap time.
There may be affiliate links in this post! By clicking on them, or purchasing recommended items I may receive a small compensation, at no cost to you! However, I only recommend products I absolutely love and use in my own home or would love to use! Thank you for supporting Miss Sue Living when you shop! See my disclosure policy for more info!
Favorite Quiet Time Activities
Melissa and Doug Stickers
My kiddos stay busy using these sticker activity pads.
Melissa and Doug Reusable Sticker Pads
Kids will stay busy making there own scenes with these reusable activity sticker pads.
Crayola Color Wonder Mess Free Coloring
The best part about Crayola Color Wonder is the markers only work on the “magic” paper.
You don’t have to worry about your kiddo coloring during their quiet time because the markers wont leave a mess.
Make sure as mom you also give yourself some rest time. Put on a 20 minute timer and give yourself permission to sit and drink a hot cup of coffee during that time.
I myself have a hard time just sitting and being still, but I always feel refreshed and energized after I’ve rested my mind and body just for 20 minutes!
Screen Time
During the school year screen time is limited. With homework and extracurricular activities my kids were only allowed one hour of screen time each day. And they only got that screen time after homework and chores were completed.
Summer opens the doors for more screen time. Now that school is over the screen time rules need to be adjusted.
Set up your family’s screen time rules and boundaries at the beginning of summer. It’s much easier to start with a set plan than to back track and try to put rules in place. Just like during the school year screen time had a limit and in the summer a limit will be established also.
For our family I want to make sure my kids minds and bodies stay active. Our summer schedule makes sure that happens by requiring certain activities to be completed before any screen time in allowed.
These activities include:
- Getting ready for the day
- Exercise or outside play
- Reading
- Math review
- Writing or Coloring
- Chores
- Be Creative
- Be helpful and think of others
You can read a more detailed description of these activities here.

Summer is a time filled with play, outdoor activities, road trips and vacations. But our homes still need to be maintained.
Keeping chores as part of your summer schedule will help you keep up with the housework and keep the clutter away.
Plus, your home will be ready for those spontaneous play dates or surprise family visits. You won’t be embarrassed by the state of your home if chores are being completed weekly.
During the summer you can modify your cleaning tasks and chores to accommodate your summer routine.
Maybe you do all your cleaning in one afternoon. Or you assign cleaning jobs to a particular day of the week.
I find that keeping up with chores and cleaning is easily done by spacing the tasks throughout the week.
You can check out my cleaning routine here and see how I keep our home tidy each week. A bonus is my cleaning routine gets the whole family involved!
Meal Plan
Meal planning can be extremely beneficial during the summer. There will be many days that you will spend away from your home and meal prep will be the last thing on your mind after a day at the pool.
Continue to make a meal plan during the summer. Keep your dinner meals simple and quick.
Plan slow cooker, one pan, or cold meals. Make extra to have for leftovers.
If you need help creating a meal plan or just need a meal planning printable head over to this post for all the resources.
Get the kids involved this summer with making a meal. Summer is a great time to get our kids into the kitchen and begin teaching them some life skills.
I will be having my two oldest kiddos (12 years and 10 years) make a dinner meal once a week. They will choose the recipe they would like to make and be in charge of the meal preparation.
I’ll also be bringing my 5 year old into the kitchen with me to help in preparing dinner or treats. Kids like to be helpful and learn so summer is the perfect opportunity.
I’m excited to teach my kiddos how to cook meals and also excited to not be the in charge of making the dinner meal every night this summer!
Sample Daily Summer Schedule for Kids
Now that you have an idea of what to include on a summer schedule for kids it’s time to make a plan. Below I’ve written down some sample Summer Schedules for different age groups.
These sample schedules can be used as is or just as inspiration while you create your own family’s summer schedule.

Toddler & Preschool
- Wake-Up and Complete Morning Routine
- Make bed
- Get dressed
- Brush hair
- Brush teeth
- Eat breakfast
- Chore or Help mom with a task
- Playtime – craft, independent play, bucket list activity, daily theme activity
- Lunch
- Nap/Quiet time
- Clean Up
- Coloring or reading books
- Dinner
- Bath
- Bedtime
- Wake-Up
- Morning Routine
- Chore
- Playtime- craft, independent play, summer bucket list activity, outside play
- Lunch
- Quiet Time
- Screen Time
- Clean Up
- Dinner
- Bath/shower
- Bedtime
- Wake-up
- Morning Routine
- Chores
- Independent activity
- Playtime- craft, independent play, summer bucket list activity, outside play
- Lunch
- Screen Time
- Chore
- Clean Up
- Dinner
- Shower
- Bed
Theme Days
Another fun activity for your summer schedule for kids is to have themed days of the week. This can help in spacing out Summer Bucket List items.
Each day of the week will have a specific theme and can help you in planning out your summer.
I’ve searched on Pinterest and blogs to give you some great ideas for Themed Day of the week summer activities.
- Make It
- Move it
- Take a Trip
- Teach Me
- Water Play
- What’s Cooking
- Thinking and Thoughtful
- Theater
- Friends
- Field Trip

I hope these sample summer schedules for kids will help you in creating your own summer schedule. You know your family best, so if the suggested schedules won’t be a good fit switch up the schedule and activities to best suit your family and season of life.
You now have an idea of the best summer schedule for your family in your head. It’s time to put that schedule on paper and present it to your kiddos.
Printables will make planning out your summer schedule for kids even easier. Because I know each family is unique I’ve created a Summer Schedule Printables Pack that includes multiple templates. I’m sure that you will find just the right one for your needs. Grab your Summer Schedule Printables Pack and get ready for a summer full of memories!

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