Are you ready for the kids to go back to school? I know I’m ready for the structure that a school schedule can bring. But the transition from summer to fall may come with some resistance from the kiddos.
Transition for parents can be a little rough also. Now there are backpacks, lunches and papers that need to be prepared each day. If your kiddos are still younger then these tasks fall on the parents “to-do” list each day. Older kids may be able to get themselves prepped for the school day, but it’s hard for parents not to double check their work 😉 . I know I’m guilty of double checking to make sure my kiddos have everything they need before heading out the door!

Now it’s confession time: I am a homeschool mom. There is only one day a week that my kiddos go to school for a co-op. As a homeschooling mom most of the back to school preparation is done by me as the teacher. Getting lessons plans ready for the week. Making sure I have all the needed supplies for each subject. All the school supplies are at our disposal daily. So I don’t worry about the phone calls from the school or my kids saying: “Mom, I forgot my lunch” or “Mom I forgot my homework”.
You may be thinking, How can a homeschool mom help me with my back to school schedule?
Well I thought the same thing! So I reached out to my mom friends who have kiddos in school. I asked them two questions:
- How do you prepare the night before to make the morning go smoothly before school?
- What things do you do every morning before school to make sure your kids are ready to get out the door on time?
I’m sharing with you approved and tested back to school schedules from my mom friends. I think these ideas will inspire you to create a back-to-school schedule for your family!
The Night Before
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- Pack Lunches– Have the kids pack their lunches or help you pack a lunch for them. Place in fridge for morning. Choose a thermos/water bottle to bring to school.
- Lay Out School Clothes– Pick out the next days outfit and have it ready for the following day. This will eliminate one more decision needing to be made in the morning.
Tricia says “Getting dressed was a huge problem for a while. We bought a cloth hanging closet organizer with cubbies and every Sunday we pick out clothes for the whole week. Then in the morning my kids just pull out the outfit they have chosen for that day.”
- Get Backpacks Ready– Make sure all folders, notebooks and homework are placed into backpacks. Place backpack by the front door so it’s ready to grab-and-go.
Keep all the kids school items organized by using “Out the Door Buckets“! One of my mom friends utilizes these to place backpacks, jackets, school donations and sports items. Place by the front door for easy access.
- Set Alarms– Don’t forget to set your alarm to wake up in time. Have the kids turn on their alarms if they use them.
The Morning Of
- Get Dressed– Kids get dressed in the outfit they chose the night before. Brush hair.
- Eat Breakfast– After they are dressed and ready for the day it’s time for a yummy breakfast.
- Get Lunches– Take lunches out of the fridge and place into backpacks. Also get the thermos/water bottle into backpack.
- Ready Early?– If the kids are ready early you can read a quick book or watch a cartoon before going to school!
These ideas for the evening and morning routine are a great way to have your kids take responsibility in getting themselves ready for school and will get you and the kids out the door and to school on time. To make this routine a cinch to implement grab the Back-to-School Schedule and post it in your kitchen or on your kids bedroom door. Like some of these ideas but want to add your own to the schedule? I’ve included a blank copy of the Back-to-School Schedule so you can fill it in with your own routine. I hope you and your kids have a great start to the school year!
What schedule do have in place for getting ready for school? Do you implement any of the ideas mentioned here? Reply in the comments below!

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