The Cleaning Binder has just what you need to keep your home clean all year long. Using the daily, weekly and monthly plan will allow you and your family to clean your house without feeling overwhelmed.

One of the toughest jobs in managing our homes is keeping it clean. When you have a house full of multiple people, cleaning is an area that can’t be skipped over for long.
So what should you be cleaning and how often? That is where I think we get stumped with this whole cleaning house bit.
Wouldn’t it be great if someone just told us what to clean and when to clean it and mapped out a cleaning schedule for us?
That’s just what this Cleaning Binder has done. It’s a done for you cleaning schedule!
No more mystery in when was the last time I cleaned XYZ. The Cleaning Binder gives you daily tasks to complete and one main cleaning task to accomplish each day of the week (with Sundays off!).
What’s in the Cleaning Binder?

The printable cleaning binder set includes a master cleaning schedule, daily cleaning checklist, weekly cleaning checklist and monthly cleaning checklist.
There are 2 versions in the Cleaning Binder: a pre-filled done for you cleaning tasks list or a blank version for you to write in your cleaning items.
I’m a big advocate in getting your family to help with the cleaning so using the Room-by-Room cards are perfect for delegating cleaning jobs.

The Room-by-Room cards include the kitchen, living room, bedroom and bathroom. Each card has a checklist of what to clean in each room.

In addition to a useful cleaning checklist there is also a complete calendar for the month with the daily and weekly cleaning jobs. You are sure not to forget a cleaning task with this sheet. And even if you do there is a day allotted in the cleaning schedule for making up missed tasks.

Lastly to finish off the binder I’ve included a sheet of DIY Non-Toxic cleaning recipes. This sheet is convenient to have in your cleaning binder plus all recipes are safe for kids to use (who have been instructed how to clean properly) when cleaning.
Pages Included In The Cleaning Binder:
- Master Cleaning Schedule (filled & blank)
- Daily Cleaning Checklist (filled & blank)
- Weekly Cleaning Checklist (filled & blank)
- Monthly Cleaning Checklist (filled & blank)
- Monthly Calendar Cleaning Schedule (filled & blank)
- Room-by-Room Cleaning Cards: Kitchen, Living Room, Bedroom & Bathroom
- DIY Cleaning Recipes
Using Each Sheet In The Cleaning Binder
Master Cleaning Schedule
This is a one page overview of what you will be cleaning on a daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly basis. It is helpful to place this master list at the front of your cleaning binder or place it on the side of your refrigerator as a quick reference.
Daily Cleaning Checklist
See your progress each day by checking off the cleaning tasks you complete. This is great for helping to create good daily cleaning habits. The Cleaning Checklist is great for kids to use also! The Notes section gives you space to write in any extra cleaning tasks you may want done that day.
Weekly Cleaning Checklist
Here you will see what main cleaning task you will be completing each day of the week. This major cleaning task is in addition to your daily cleaning task. By spacing out the main cleaning tasks throughout the week you can get your home clean in a timely manner without feeling overwhelmed.

Monthly Cleaning Checklist
Some cleaning tasks only need to happen once a month. On this one page overview you can keep track of the monthly cleaning tasks that need to be done.
Cleaning Schedule Monthly View
This page shows a monthly view of each daily task and main weekly cleaning task. Check off items as you complete them or just put a big X on the day when you are finished.
Room-by-Room Cards
These cards break down what needs to be cleaned in each room (Kitchen, Living Room, Bathroom and Bedroom). These cards are helpful to use with your kids when teaching them how and what needs to be cleaned in your home. Use these cards when a room needs a good deep cleaning or as a reference that you’re getting all areas of a specific room cleaned each week!
DIY Cleaning Recipes
Use these recipes to make your own non-toxic household cleaners. These cleaning recipes are safe to use around kids and pets. They are also safe for kids to use when cleaning.
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How to assemble the Cleaning binder

Supply List:
- Cleaning Binder digital file
- 1/2 inch 3 ring binder
- Your favorite pens
- Page Protectors
- Dry Erase Marker
- Laminator (optional)
- Laminating pouches (optional)
Print out the Cleaning Binder and place the cover sheet into a 1/2 inch three ring binder.
You can print a new cleaning checklist for the day, week & month or place them into a sheet protector and use a dry erase marker to check off the tasks and then erase and reuse the same sheets.
If you will be using sheet protectors to reuse your cleaning checklists I suggest printing them out onto cardstock paper for added durability.

Using a laminator is also a great idea in making the checklists reusable. The Room-by-Room cards would be great laminated. Kids can easily keep track of what they have cleaned in a room and have the satisfaction of checking the box as done!
The Cleaning Binder has just what you need to keep your home clean all year long. Using the daily, weekly and monthly plan will allow you and your family to clean your house without feeling overwhelmed.

Click the button below to buy your Cleaning Binder and have it delivered straight to your inbox (this is a digital file, nothing will be shipped to you). Make sure to tag me online #misssueliving so I can see how you’re using your pretty new binder… and your shiny clean home!