I want to speak to the moms who feel like they are doing life alone. You’re in a season when your husband is working many extra hours, you’re a single mom, you’re a military spouse or you’re just in a place feeling alone.
I’m weary. I cry at random times of the day. It’s hard to get going in the mornings. My body is acting strangely. At one point I thought I may be pregnant. I was waking up nauseous and so sleepy. Pregnancy was not the cause.
Really I want to write this post from the end of this season of weariness but I’m still in it. And instead of going through it alone I want to share and ask for backup! It’s hard to share the yuck sometimes. I don’t think I’m alone in feeling this way and I want to be an encouragement to others and ask you for encouragement through this season.
Are you in a weary season too? We’re friends, let’s walk through this together with Jesus in the middle!
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
-Matthew 11:28
Let’s start there.
When I start crying with no apparent reason I just start to pray. God is trying to get my attention about something – my heart is in need. So I just pray and ask for comfort and ask God, “What’s going on? Show me.” God knows your struggle, but He also wants you to invite him into your struggle. Let Him carry the burden for you!
Share your struggle
Your friends love you and want to support you. It may be hard for you to share. You think that your friends already have enough on their own plate. Why should I bother them with my struggle. Don’t hide that you are weary. Let your friends know what’s going on and they can support and encourage you.
I shared my struggle with a few of my close friends and they all were able to relate to my circumstance. Some are in the trenches with me and a few have been through weariness before. They were able to give words of wisdom and encouragement to my season of weariness.
Communicate with your family
Let your family know that you are weary. Kids can tell when Mom is not feeling the best. Depending on the age(s) of your children you can let them know you are weary. Tell them you still love them and are seeking to overcome it.
When my husband’s work schedule changed we talked with the kids. We let them know that Daddy would be working longer hours. We reassured them that daddy still loves them and cares for them. He is available to talk to. Kids notice when the routine or structure of the home changes. Don’t leave them out of the loop. It’s better to include them in the changes happening.
Give thanks
Look for ways to show thanks to others. Taking the focus off your struggle and put the focus on who or what you are thankful for. By giving thanks you are meditating on the positive in your life.
Write a note to a friend telling her how special she is to you. Give a family member a call just to say “hello” and see how their week is going. Make a list of things you are thankful for. These are ways to focus on the blessings in your life and, in turn, it will help ease your feeling of weariness.
I hope these four ways will help you to overcome your feelings of weariness. They definitely are helping me. This season will only grow my character and make me a stronger wife and mother. I am looking forward to being on the other side of this season.
Are you struggling through a season of feeling weary? Lets help encourage one another through this season. Comment below with your struggle and I can send some encouragement your way!
Thank you so much for your honesty! I think we’ve all been there!
You’re welcome Michelle. I’m definitely a work in progress. 🙂 Thankful for grace!
I love how you opened yourself up while still in your season of weariness. You have a great list of suggestions. Being thankful is a big one. I will pray for your peace and rest.
Thank you for your prayers Jessica! Being thankful and thinking of others really does help bring the focus off myself. God is slowing walking me through this season.
What a beautiful post, Amanda! Turning to God is everything. One of the best things I’ve ever done for my marriage, family, and self was become a regular participant in a women’s bible study. I try to do anywhere from 2-3 per year with a group of ladies from my church. I’ve been doing this for ~12 years! We have women of all ages…mid 20’s to well into retirement. It has been a huge blessing to me and it is always great to be reminded that we are not alone in the struggles life throws at us, regardless of our age or socioeconomic status. Prayers!
April, a women’s Bible study is a great idea! My family does go to a couples study and we really enjoy it. I am very thankful for that group. Thank you for your prayers <3
All women hit these rough patches. At least all of us with husbands and children:) Sometimes I find I resent the day-to-day drudgery that is managing a home and raising a family. Sometimes I forget to look at each task as an “I get to do this” sort of thing and instead focus on it in an “I have to do this” sort of way. It’s so self-defeating, and, yes, the weariness then sets in. My husband lost his job about a month ago. He’s diligently looking, applying, interviewing, networking, but no offers have come just yet. I work part-time and have been trying to pick up extra hours when I can, so I’m for-real weary! And I could work a hundred hours a week and still not even come close to his salary. Trying to scale back when you already live pretty frugally is a challenge. Having to dip into your savings just to make ends meet is scary. But God always provides, meeting us wherever we are, lifting us up and carrying us forward! Praise Him, through which all things are possible!!
Thank you for being open in sharing your struggle and season of weariness. Sometimes the day-to-day can seem fruitless. But I’m so thankful that God sees the “big picture”. He knows your struggle with your husbands loss of job and you trying the best you can to support your family financially. It’s so good to have His strength to carry us through our weariness! Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always” 1 Chron 16:11
Pray, share, communicate, and give thanks are wonderful tips for dealing with weariness. I’m learning to be greatful in all things—not an easy thing to do.
Carri, we definitely are all a work in progress!
My husband works long hours too. He does it so I can be home with the girls, but I find it’s easy to become weary sometimes. Especially if we go too long without getting to spend a chunk of quality time with him. As wife/mom you start to feel like you’re spinning the plates of life on your own. Turning my mind to Gratitude helps so much! And trying to carve out time to spend with Daddy.
Yes, being intentional spending time with Daddy is a must! I’m doing better adjusting my heart and attitude during this new season.
Oh how I feel you! My husband also goes through seasons of working long hours. It is very hard on me for him to be gone. I also get very weary come winter time. I do not like the cold. I enjoy being outside in God’s warm sunshine!
Thank you so much for all of the wonderful tips! Being grateful is a HUGE one. It takes your mind off of your problems and focuses on blessings! And we are all so blessed!
Yes, we have so many blessings!