Keeping Christ as the center of Christmas can be a big feat to accomplish. With holiday toy guides arriving in the mail as early as September and advertisements flashing the newest must have items, it’s easy to get lost in the “I want” mentality. As parents we want our children to experience the joy of Christmas. We enjoy giving them gifts and watching their excitement as they open the desired wish list item.
But how do we bring our attention back to the baby in the manger? Taking the focus off of us and our ever growing Wish Lists can help us get back to the real reason we celebrate Christmas: the birth of our Savior, Christ Jesus.
Give to Others
ONE) A fun tradition that my family loves every year is a cookie baking day. We spend a whole afternoon baking treats and then package them up in boxes. The best part is delivering them to our neighbors and friends. Showing kindness by giving is a great way to model how Christ gives so much to us!
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We will be using the awesome You’ve Been Jingled printable from The Dating Divas: Christ-Centered Christmas Countdown. This adds a fun touch for the recipient of the goodies and encourages them to also take time to give a treat and smile to others.
TWO) Donating a toy to a child in need. Have your child pick out a toy they would want to receive and then donate it to a toy drive. Three organizations we have given to in the past are Toys for Tots, Angel Tree and Operation Christmas Child.
Think of Others
THREE) Random Acts of Kindness can be a great way to help our kids think of others. Make a list of people in the community that may be overlooked during the holidays. How about making a snack bag for the mail carrier or UPS man. They are so busy delivering gifts to our homes this time of year.
When you go through the Starbucks drive-thru pay for the drinks of the person behind you . Make a list of Random Acts of Kindness your family can do. Dating Divas has a fun list with printable cards in their Christ Centered Christmas Countdown pack. Check it out HERE.
Be Present for Others
FOUR) Donating your time for others. Volunteer at the local food bank or help to package food with organizations such as Feed My Starving Children. Have your kids color Christmas cards and bring them to the residents of a local nursing home.
Being present for others face-to-face is of great value and can make a person feel loved and appreciated.
Focus on Others
FIVE) We can keep Christ in Christmas by taking the focus off of ourselves and putting the focus on others. Jesus came to the earth as a little baby with a mission: to show and share the love of God to all people.
This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:10
Bring your family back to the heart of Christmas and fill them and others with the gifts Christ has given us all. Make quality family time a priority this holiday season and fill your home with the sights and sounds of a truly meaningful Christmas, where the words of the Lord are at the forefront of your celebrations.
To help you on your mission to keep Christ in Christmas this year The Dating Divas have created the Christ-Centered Christmas Countdown for your family. You can enjoy done-for-you activities that are easily integrated into family night traditions, so you get the best of both worlds—all your favorite traditions and a Christ-centered Christmas! With the countdown, your family will get to spend quality times together doing things like lighting candles, delivering Christmas treats, and having a conversation under the stars.
Some of my favorites are:
- Christmas Countdown Cards – There are 24 countdown cards with a Christmas symbol and it’s meaning, a scripture and an activity that helps you focus on Christ!
- You’ve Been Jingled – Do a little baking and spread the holiday cheer with this service idea for your neighbors!
- Angels RAOK Cards – Leave behind some love and light with the Christmas Random Act of Kindness Cards. The perfect way to bless others!
Grab your copy of the Christ Centered Christmas Countdown and keep Christ at the forefront of your holiday celebrations!
Need a little help staying organized this holiday season? Grab the 2019 Holiday Planner!