Explore the world of apples with some fun books. These books are a great way to learn about apples.

Fall is inching closer and thoughts of cooler air, leaves, pumpkins and apples are swirling in my mind. This time of season is when the desert starts to cool down and the kids and I can go outside in the mornings to walk and play. It’s also a fun time to learn about APPLES!

Last year we took a field trip to a local apple orchard. The kids learned about different apple varieties. The best part was we got to pick our favorite apples right off the tree. After our fun trip to the apple orchard we continued our excitement for apples by reading apple themed children’s books.
If you are planning an apple orchard trip or apple themed units for school this fall then you’ll definitely want to have some great books to go along with your apple theme! I’ve compiled a list of our favorite kids apple themed books for you.
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The Best Apple Themed Books for Kids
Reading about apples is a fun way to teach your kids about the changing season. I brought the apple theme into my preschooler’s home school day by adding in some apple themed activities.
We explored different sizes and colors of apples. Using this Apple Size Sorting printable, I had my preschooler organize the apples by small, medium and large. Next she organized the apples by color.

Would your preschooler have fun sorting apples? You can download this free Apple Size Sorting printable to add to your apple learning fun!
RELATED: Easy DIY Calendar Pocket Chart – Apple Theme
Do you have a favorite apple book?
Be sure to pin this list of apple theme books!

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